Wednesday 24 July 2024

Robespierre's nose

 A video of  Marianne Gilchrist's excellent talk on Robespierre portraits, given in Cardiff in December 2022, has now been posted on the website of the ARBR Les Amis de Robespierre. Super-sleuthing Marianne!

Friday 12 July 2024

Sèvres Extraordinaire! (Exhibition)

A press release has been published for a major new exhibition of Sèvres sculpture at the Bard Graduate Center, New York, which will run from 21th September 2024 to 5th January 2025.

Monday 8 July 2024

Remembering Alistair Laing

The death has been announced of the art historian Alistair Laing, long-time curator at the National Trust and renowned expert on  French 18th-century painting, drawing and sculpture.

Monday 1 July 2024

Versailles celebrates the horse (Exhibition)

 A new exhibition, on the role of  horses in  history opens at Versailles to coincide with the Olympic Equestrian events.  Horse in Majesty: At the Heart of a Civilisation will run from 2nd July to 3rd November and features some 300 works displayed in various different areas of the Palace.