Saturday 22 June 2024

Jefferson letter to be auctioned

A rare autograph letter from Thomas Jefferson to Tench Coxe, written from Monticello to be sold by Siegel Auctions on 27th June 2024.  

"In this letter, written in 1795, Jefferson espouses the momentum of the "ball of liberty" and denounces the "atrocities of Robespierre" and the French Reign of Terror".

Thomas Jefferson Letter on “The Ball of Liberty” Comes to Auction Just in Time for the Fourth of July (

Monticello June 1. 1795.

Dear Sir

I received a few days ago only your favor of Mar. 20 accompanied by the Collection of your papers lately printed, for which I cordially thank you. it will enable me to turn with more convenience to pieces which I consult with pleasure & instruction.

I congratulate you on the successes of our two allies. those of the Hollanders are new, and therefore pleasing. it proves there is a god in heaven, and that he will not slumber without end on the iniquities of tyrants, or would-be tyrants, as their Stadtholder. this ball of liberty, I believe most piously, is now so well in motion that it will roll round the globe, at least the enlightened part of it, for light & liberty go together. it is our glory that we first put it into motion, & our happiness that being foremost we had no bad examples to follow. what a tremendous obstacle to the future attempts at liberty will be the atrocities of Robespierre!

We are enjoying a most seasonable spring after a winter which had greatly injured our small grain. nothing can give us a great crop. I doubt if it can be made even a good one. our first hay-cutting (clover) begins to-day, this may mark to you the difference of your seasons & ours. my clover in common upland fields which were never manured will yeild to the acre at this cutting, which I consider as an encouraging beginning. I take the liberty of asking your care of two letters, both of them of importance. I have not inclosed Monroe, either to our office of foreign affairs, or the Minister of France, because I thought you might possibly find a safer channel than either. it requires safety & secrecy. but adopt either of those channels, if you think them the best.

I am with much affection Dear Sir, Your friend & sevt. Th. Jefferson

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